About Monex S.A.P.I.



On April 22, 2023, the General Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Monex, S.A.P.I de C.V. appointed and ratified the current Board of Directors of the Issuer, which is composed of the following persons:

Full Board Members

Héctor Pío Lagos Dondé (Chairman)
Georgina Lagos Dondé
Francisco Lorenzo Lagos Dondé
Mauricio Naranjo González (Vice Chairman)
Moisés Tiktin Nickin


Ana Isabel Lagos Vogt
Julia Inés Lagos Vogt
José Raúl Bitar Romo
Jorge Hierro Molina
Patricia García Gutierrez

Independent Directors

David Aaron Margolin Schabes
José Francisco Meré Palafox
Anthony McCarthy Sandland


Jacobo Guadalupe Martínez Flores


Erik Alberto García Tapia

* The Secretary and Pro-Secretary are not part of the Board of Directors.

As part of the application submitted to the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) and the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) to register our shares in the National Securities Registry, Monex properly presented the information and documentation required by the General Provisions Applicable to the Issuers of Securities and Other Parties Involved in the Stock Market (CUE), including corporate documentation, financial statements, and independent legal opinion. The information may be consulted in: CNBV, BMV, and BIVA

Likewise, copies of these documents can be provided to any investor through written request made to Monex at their offices located at 284 Paseo de la Reforma Avenue, 15th floor, Juárez, 06600, Mexico City. Addressed to: Alfredo Gershberg Figot, Corporate Director of Finance and Strategic Transformation.

Phone: 55 5231 0870
Email: inversionistas@monex.com.mx
Or in our webpage: www.monexsapi.com.

Designated Persons.