About Monex S.A.P.I.


The business world demands Monex to be in continuous transformation, this change is supported by our specialized advisory service and a world-class digital banking.

For us, it is important to help our clients to carry out transactions and perform their daily operations. Likewise, it is also essential to become advisors and partners to our clients, aiming at translating our experience in financial markets into a better asset management and the achievement of their goals.

Bridges provide facilities to move forward to the destination that we set. Today in Monex, we are that link between two points which enables the connection of wealth and opportunities.

At Monex, we connect bridges of value, and we renew ourselves with agility to establish the beginning of a new stage within our innovation to create connections that enable and transform strategies into realities.

Why do our clients work with Monex?

For 37 years and thanks to our financial agility, we continue innovating to be a constant reference in our clients' business and operations.

Our clients choose Monex because of our experience in international financial markets, particularly in the FX market, which allows us to provide an advisory service of higher added value in comparison to other financial brokers. Furthermore, we seek to offer a customized attention through a close relationship with our clients, which maintains us at the vanguard to meet their needs in an agile manner, even anticipating their needs.

Our advisors are experienced professionals in the financial markets who are focused on understanding all the functional aspects of our business and relevant measures of the operation of foreign exchange and international payments, aiming at fulfilling the needs of our clients.

We are a gateway to growth, because we keep our commitment to innovation to offer our clients the tools and financial agility that connect them to the successful world-class opportunities.